Past National Agenda Events

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National Agenda 2011: Girding for Battle featuring Melanie Sloan

Offering a history primer on scandal in American politics dating back to the 18th century, political watchdog Melanie Sloan told a large National Agenda audience Wednesday, Nov. 2, that she sees growing public dissatisfaction with a dysfunctional government that is both for sale to the highest bidder and unable to tackle problems of substance. Sloan is the founder and executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and a nationally recognized expert on congressional ethics. Her talk, presented in Mitchell Hall on the University of Delaware campus in Newark, was titled “Scandalous Politicians.”

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National Agenda 2011: Girding for Battle featuring Pamela Constable

Corruption, tribalism and a resurgent Taliban threaten to undo any gains made in Afghanistan during America’s longest war, The Washington Post’s Pamela Constable told a University of Delaware National Agenda speaker series audience Wednesday night, Oct. 5, in Mitchell Hall. Constable, deputy foreign editor at the Post, has spent much of the last decade in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan and returned from South Asia just a few days before the presentation. The outlook in Afghanistan, she said, is bleak.

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National Agenda 2011: Girding for Battle featuring Gov. Chris Christie

Homecoming was extended with the return to campus of University of Delaware alumnus and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who delivered an animated National Agenda talk on leadership, politics and the challenges facing the nation’s governors on November 16, 2011, before a full house in Mitchell Hall.

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