Past National Agenda Events

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National Agenda 2019: Direction Democracy featuring John Della Volpe

John Della Volpe’s job is to ask questions, and he spends a lot of time thinking about Millennials. At the final event of the University of Delaware’s National Agenda speaker series on November 20, he queried, “What keeps young people up at night” UD junior Alyssa Hornung replied that she is angry about college debt and the soaring cost of health care. She confirmed the observations of Della Volpe, the director of polling for Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics.

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National Agenda 2019: Direction Democracy featuring Rob Rogers

“Even the founding fathers were into political cartooning,” said Rob Rogers. The tradition goes all the way back to the mid-1700s when famous figures in history such as Benjamin Franklin and Paul Revere used cartoons to rally support for colonial independence. The University of Delaware welcomed Rogers to its second event in the National Agenda speaker series, “Direction Democracy,” which took place on September 11.

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National Agenda 2019: Direction Democracy featuring Chris Christie

Donald Trump will be impeached by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, Chris Christie told a packed Mitchell Hall audience on Wednesday night, Nov. 7. But he won’t be removed by the Senate, he added. With trademark candor, sharp humor and a palpable pride for his alma mater, the former New Jersey governor and presidential hopeful, a 1984 graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences, spoke as part of the National Agenda Speaker Series on “Deciphering Political Power.”

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