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Hightlight photo for article, National Agenda speakers : Political volatility

National Agenda speakers : Political volatility

Political strategists Stephanie Cutter and UD alumnus Steve Schmidt spoke on campus about the battles they expect in Washington in the next two years.

Hightlight photo for article, Political volatility : National Agenda 2014: Political Strategists Stephanie Cutter and Steve Schmidt

Political volatility : National Agenda 2014: Political Strategists Stephanie Cutter and Steve Schmidt

Political strategists Stephanie Cutter and Steve Schmidt noted that the current political slugfest for control of Congress and the White House in 2016 is just beginning to heat up.

Hightlight photo for article, Recovering trust : National Agenda 2014: Mike McCurry

Recovering trust : National Agenda 2014: Mike McCurry

Mike McCurry would like to see politicians and voters alike embrace a “golden rule? of civility to restore the spirit of cooperation currently missing from the American political scene.

Hightlight photo for article, National Agenda 2014: Teddy Goff

National Agenda 2014: Teddy Goff

Teddy Goff, who directed President Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 digital campaigns, believes that the average voter still wants to be listened to and respected.

Hightlight photo for article, Delaware Debates : Delaware Debates 2014: U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives

Delaware Debates : Delaware Debates 2014: U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives

Candidates for the state’s congressional delegation squared off in the Delaware Debates 2014, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 15, in Mitchell Hall on the UD campus in Newark.

Hightlight photo for article, National Agenda 2014: Peter Hamby

National Agenda 2014: Peter Hamby

CNN Digital national political reporter Peter Hamby wonders whether the exploding use of social media may actually be pushing candidates further away from the press and the public.

Hightlight photo for article, National Agenda 2014: Frank Lesser

National Agenda 2014: Frank Lesser

Comedy writer Frank Lesser thinks that poking fun at the politically powerful has a serious side, but it should always be fun for the writer and the audience.

Hightlight photo for article, Global Agenda opens : Africa today

Global Agenda opens : Africa today

The 2014 Global Agenda speaker series opened with a talk by policy expert Emira Woods on Africa’s key global role in the 21st century.

Hightlight photo for article, Political poll results

Political poll results

In the aftermath of the recent federal government shutdown, a majority of Americans polled say they want to see more compromise among their elected representatives.

Hightlight photo for article, Global Agenda: Asian pivot

Global Agenda: Asian pivot

The United States is negotiating a delicate “pivot” toward Asia in foreign policy, journalist James Mann told a University of Delaware audience.