Alumni Profiles

Esq. Frederick L. Cottrell, III

Degree: 1985, Bachelor of Arts

Job Title: Director, Richards, Layton & Finger

Frederick L. Cottrell III (AS ’85) is a lawyer with Richards, Layton & Finger and specializes in intellectual property, antitrust, products liability and commercial law. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree magna cum laude in biological sciences from the University of
Delaware and his law degree cum laude from the Dickinson School of Law.

He represents parties in important patent litigation before the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware. He has represented industry leaders such as Google, AMD, Micron, and Cablevision Systems in defense of patent litigation in Delaware. He has won numerous awards and has been named one of the world?s leading litigators and patent practitioners.

Mr. Cottrell serves as a member of University of Delaware’s Center for Political Communication Advisory Council. He and his wife, Marian, are longtime supporters of the University of Delaware, serving as volunteers on the Parents Fund Council since 2011 and as National Co-Chairs. They are ardent supporters of Student Life and are advocates of student engagement and involvement outside the classroom.